Tuesday, 8 April 2014

H For Heart

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

“stories at mid night
tiny voices plead
Heart wins”

AtoZ Challenge
H Heart
I am quite strict about schedules and planning. Even as a mother I have a time table and I try and follow it as much as I could. But heart doesn't understands time tables and schedules and neither do my kids. They are quite young right now and there are a few time when my heart loses to my head (Okay not few but many time)......(Okay okay not many almost every other day)...............(No really just every other day, not daily) :P

And when heart wins we let go of schedules and we do what our heart wants, be it stories at midnight, drives in early mornings, dance when you are supposed to study etc etc.

Do let me know how you liked the heart of my day. Do you have any similar incident in your day? What was the most heart warming incident that your remember from your last few days?

Some of the blogs that I love from Day 7 are listed below. Do check them out.

Prathima Rao Grandest of  'em all- Grandparents 
Vasudha Rao Greenpeace 
Pooja G For Gay

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here


  1. Cute one... I was obsessed with sticking to my timetables, but these days, I only listen to my heart...

  2. I love making timetables...But I know sometimes I also don't follow...And I love the heart of this post Sfurti, shows that a heart wins always :)

    Random Thoughts Naba

  3. Awww....these kids just melt our heart, no?

  4. Lovely post, Sfuti :) Heart wins always :)

    Shalzzz|Loving Life
    Check out my latest at Tale of Two Tomatoes code

  5. Yes. Kids melt our hearts! I have a darling little one next door who melts mine, and I guess it's something to let us know we have a heart I guess, coz I'm glad for that innocence.

  6. Dil toh bachha hai ji, thoda kachha hai ji

  7. Timetables ruled my life as a teacher, before I retired. Now, I don't wear a watch, seldom look at a close. My gr-daughters gave us three exciting days with their love and energy.

  8. I am actually listening to heart this week! Since my kids are on holiday for Spring Break, we are having late nights and mornings and lots of games and storybook sessions11

  9. Listening to heart encourages spontaenity, but timetables are required to get things done.. Walk the thin line between the two :) I usually listen to my heart :)

  10. When my kids were young, bed times were huge to us...we used to bond over so many topics.

  11. Heart always wins over head NO ? <3
    good one sfurti

  12. Time tables...argh have made many...Par S always manages to make me change my mind and go with my heart.....

  13. Oh I can totally relate to this. I am a scheduler by passion ;) And my daughter is the epitome of relaxation. Lots I have learnt from her ;)

  14. As they say, rules were meant to be broken. :)

  15. Melting hearts....what to say ;)

  16. Flexibility means, we are all elastic.Though ,we would like to be strict, as we all want to be in control,don't we ?

  17. sweet lines. I too generally follow rules, but sometimes my kids make me tweak the rules.

  18. My kids and I struggle with rules

  19. Oh yes, how they plead and you give in :)

  20. I love making time tables and I think I like breaking them too! Dil to pagal hai, hai na??

  21. Thanks for the mention Sfurti. And I love listening to stories too. I guess having fun is a learning process as well.

  22. Oh dear, we seem to all suffer from that 'give into pleading eyes', don't we? Then again I was never the one to be all about time tables, so might as well, no?


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