Friday, 2 August 2013

Those were the best days of my life

Those were the best days of my life
Singing along with you; getting drenched in the rains
Yelling out loud and being insane
Splash of water; sprinkles of mud
Whistle of the Romeo and wink of the stud;
Who cared; who looked
We didn’t we were hooked
to the flight and to the daze
to the freedom; to the days;
The best days of my life

Yummy fritters and runny chai
Bite after bite and sigh after sigh
Making circles from the vapour
Making boats from the paper
Sitting at the stall for hours
Rechristening the stall as ours
Gaping at the roads; looking at the rains
Days spent at our adda
The best days of my life

Loud giggles at the boys;
Hidden snigger and the joys
Of white looks and paled faces
Shocked eyes and red gazes

Sprinting with you across town
Dancing with you like a clown
The Shoos and Shaas of aunties at the movies
Getting a lecture about being a girl and our duties
O how shameful you are a girl!
Showing them the tongue and taking a royal twirl
The carefree days beyond gender, age and hurls
The best days of my life

Running at you after each hiccup
Hiding behind you at each stickup
Crying on your shoulders over each mark
Picking up a fight for each remark
Against you, against me, against us
You being the calm one and me a big fuss
Holding your hands; tugging at your fingers
Memories of growing up.. still lingers
Etched in my heart forever and ever
Hoping to go back;
Hopping and going back
In those unforgettable days
Those were the best days of my life

(C) Juztamom 2013

Dedicated to my sweet sweet best friend. Wish you a happy friendship day.I wish I had better photographs of us together!!!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. How true! Sisters always have that special bond...I do too :)

    1. Yess Pankti..nothing matches that bond!! :)

  2. Love you !!!!!! Those were the best time of our life.....

  3. This feels so joyful! Made me smile.

  4. Wow.. So beautifully crafted.. :)

  5. Loved the post Sfurti. I have a special bond with my sisters too and every word here resonated with me. Happy friendship day to both of you.

    1. Thanks so much dear and a very Happy friendship day to you too :)

  6. Seemed... you spoke my heart in such a beautiful way...

    Happy Friendship Day!

  7. Oh so cute :) My sister is also my closest friend! And it brought tears to my eyes, I always miss her when I read any sisterly posts. *calling her right away*

    I was thinking of discussing our WOW posts at forum what say?


    1. Richa thanks so much and I apologise for missing your comment here and on the forum.

      Thanks again dear :)

  8. Congrats Juzta mum. your poem does not leave any one instance that children did'nt do in their childhood. very well written. congrats.

  9. Neelam thanks so much dear :)

  10. Aww, reminded me of my brother

  11. A very touchy post it took me on a rewind of all those wonderful memories. I am going to call up my sis and all my old friends now.

    1. Hey I am so glad it touched a chord with you :)

  12. How nice are sisters! I can see so much love flowing in these lines, beautiful.

  13. soooo nice... wish i should have a sister tooo. But ya I'll call my bros right away.......... thanks for spoking my heart..

  14. I too have a darling sister like you Sfurti. She is my backbone, and I trust her blindly.

    1. Sisters love and bond is special. Thanks for visiting Jini :)


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