Wednesday, 7 August 2013

How shall I sing that majesty?

How shall I sing that majesty?
How great a being you are
With a spirit so freeing
Thy words are the only words I am always agreeing

Thy art of sweeping and cleaning,
Like full moon bright and beaming
Thy wrinkled smile with a teeth gap showing
The red of pan mixing in the yellow like a sun glowing

Thy chitter chatter like a food platter
For my soul and my stature
Thy nose ring, with a red twig
Like a forest on fire, with a burning twinge
Thy soft nature with a loud stature
Thy big spirit and bigger laughter
Like a wild elephant in a small manor

How shall I tell thou, how much I miss thou
Enlighten my life and my house again
Wake me up with your loud booms and bams,
Kitchen is empty, craving thy hands
Sink is flowing and full, waiting for thy chants
The floor is dusty and lonely,
Looking at the broom eagerly,
Broom is tall and pretty,
Waiting to be picked by almighty
My kettle is up and boiling
Fuming hot and shouting
Where art thou, O my love!

For thy thousand reasons to break up with me
Here are my few to make up with me
The house, the dishes, Ms. Broom and the Mrs
Every nook and corner misses
And hope for thy mercy
My majesty

~~~~~Thine devotee~~~~

This post is a tribute to my maid, my help, my lifeline "Rupa tai"who left me for greener pastures few days back. 


  1. Awesome! I loved reading every single word... Straight from the heart, may you be always blessed with efficient househelps!

    1. Haha Anuradha thanks dear :)) but alas I am without any help right now!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Loved it.. U write so well... I also wrote for the same scenario.. but not as good as u... Fan of ur writing skills..!!

  4. ha ha ha. this is truly an 'Ode to Bai'

  5. so many times, we fail to thank our household helps for making life so much more simpler… i so wish, your maid could get to know about this… amy be she would not have left the work!

  6. superb!! if ur maid could be reading this, she'd be beaming with pride!! and maybe run back to u!

  7. hmm some make you feel they are so much an integral part of you life .. with their ability to be responsible .. I am touched to she the kind of impact the lady put on you and the kind of affection you had for her .
    Quite Often I feel the next big industry can be the domestic help human resource business with the mums and sis and the wives being so dependent on them and the job profile dis-interesting and loosing its charm among the professionals of the job !! :)

    1. I agree, I think it is already a very big industry but not organised beyond few unions but they deserve better in all honesty. There's is a lot of hardwork job.

  8. Awie, that was a nice revelation towards the end. Maids, they say, are made in heaven.


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