Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Call Of Love

Burn me in your fire
Engulf me in your flames
Destroy me, be the pyre


Till nothing remains
But you and me
And our love sustains

The tides of sea
become the magical potion
That only lovers could see

And swallow swig by swig till their bosom
Overflow and explode
And fill the world with love golden

Etched in the sky like the sun glowed

(C) Juztamom

Shared with NaPoWriMo. The prompt was to write a poem in terza rima. This form was invented by Dante, and used in The Divine Comedy. It consists of three-line stanzas, with a “chained” rhyme scheme. The first stanza is ABA, the second is BCB, the third is CDC, and so on.

Image credit here
Some of the fellow participants:
http://jaibalarao.com/   - Jaibala

N Nag

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

finish your food
clean the room
I nag

AtoZ Challenge
N Nag
I don't like it but I do nag a lot. I wish I would do it much less, I do try a lot but I fail miserably. Guess it goes with the territory. I promise myself almost daily but I fail also almost daily.

What about you? Do you nag? If yes which is the one thing that drives you most crazy? 

And Some of the blogs that I love from M are listed below. Do check them out.
Jaibala's Mann Udhan Varyache

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here

Monday, 14 April 2014

Who Are You?

Who are you?
Why the quest?
Where do you belong?
What is your zest?
Why the questions?
Did you get the answers?
Did I tell you?
Didn't I tell you?
You are You, Nothing more nothing less!

Shared with NaPoWriMo. Prompt was to write a poem in which every sentence, except for the last one, is in the form of a question.

Image credit here

Some of the fellow participants:
http://jaibalarao.com/   - Jaibala

M For Moolah

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

"homemade food
dipped in love
Moolah saved"

AtoZ Challenge
M Moolah
One of the mantras that I follow by heart is as much of home made food as possible. Almost everything from spices, herbs, sauces, jams etc are grown or made at home. I wish I could do more. It not only is healthy, it also saves a lot of moolah.

So what are your mantras of food? Do you like going out or do you love spending time in the kitchen?

And Some of the blogs that I love from yesterday are listed below. Do check them out.

Dagny's Lighthouse 
Cynthia's Life Speaks

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here

One Last Mile

One last mile
I want to walk with you
Looking into your eyes
Holding your hands
Walking in eternity
To the whale-road (1)
My feet were forlorn
Only a few days back
My days were heavy
Only a few days back
My mornings were dark
Only a few days back
My walks were lonely
Only a few days back
Before you took my hands
Into yours
And we walked towards
The whale-road (1)

We just had our first kiss
We just had our first miss
You just wiped the tears from my face
I just had my fears replaced
I just tasted your breath
The taste still lingers
Your blue is still entwined
With the orange hue of my fingers
No don’t let go,
Walk with me
Just one last mile
To the whale-road (1)

We just had our first FIRSTs
Leave the blood-amber(2)
Go break the wound-hoe(3)
I will not let you go
To the weather of weapons(4)
Before you walk with me
Just one last mile
To the whale-road(1)
I will make sure
The last mile lasts forever
The sword will never sleep(5)
We keep walking forever
To the whale-road (1)

(C) Juztamom

Shared with NaPoWriMo. The prompt was to use atleast one kenning. Read here about Kennings.
Kennings that I have used and their meaning are:
(1) Whale-road : Sea 
(2) Blood amber- Axe
(3) Wound-hoe : Sword
(4) Weather of weapons :War
(5) Sleep of the sword: Death

Image credit here
Some of the fellow participants:
http://jaibalarao.com/   - Jaibala