Early in the morning I saw you there
Standing tall, standing pretty with a beauty rare
Standing white amongst the sea of green
Standing white with a yellow flair
Smile dwelling on your lips..
White blossoms and grips
Welcoming the early sunrays, reflecting the purity of pure
Petals curled and demure
Just standing there absorbing the morning dew
Colored butterflies creating rainbow around you
I stand there stunned and glued....
Chained to your beauty
Amazed at your glow
Wondering in my heart how are you so pure?
Why are you so happy?
Standing tall, standing pretty with a beauty rare
Standing white amongst the sea of green
Standing white with a yellow flair
Smile dwelling on your lips..
White blossoms and grips
Welcoming the early sunrays, reflecting the purity of pure
Petals curled and demure
Just standing there absorbing the morning dew
Colored butterflies creating rainbow around you
I stand there stunned and glued....
Chained to your beauty
Amazed at your glow
Wondering in my heart how are you so pure?
Why are you so happy?
I wonder how you look at the world?
Do you wonder how the world looks at you?
May be not now, may be never
Is that why you are so happy?