Thursday 10 April 2014

J Jokes

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

A back slap
message to the world
Just kidding

AtoZ Challenge
J Jokes

Have you ever done this trick of back slapping a friend with a chit? I have, multiple times! One of the most common chits used is "Kick me". If you are around me, you may end up being kicked quite a lot (Just kidding or may be not!) :P

As far as jokes are concerned I have not grown up. I loved silly jokes and I still do. One of the silliest and my favorite joke is:

"Q: Why did the picture go to jail?
A: Because it was framed"

So which is the latest joke you have heard? Tell me your most favorite one!

A special shout out to a dear friend who always brings a big smile on my face. What better post to showcase her work than a post dedicated to jokes. Do read her...she is hilarious!
Anuradha I know what you did last summer

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here

Wednesday 9 April 2014

I write

Words floating in the air
I catch and I grab
I jumble and mumble
To myself

I move my hands
And sketch in air
I print the words
In my heart somewhere
Till I get the time
To put my ink
On the paper

Till then everything
Is my pen
I write on grains
And I leave my prints
On walls
I scribble through my feet
And leave my notes
Till I pour my heart out
On the paper

Till then everything
Is my muse
The toys strewn on the floor
The teary eyed monster at the door
The messy face wrapped around my heart
The neverending end and the never starting start
The handprints on my white
And the nose that cried
The footprints on the bed
And the nursery rhymes in my head
Various loves, countless lives
Living in my head

Till I find a way out for them
Till the stories move to paper from my heart
Till I get a good reason to start
Pouring my words out
On paper

I write
On everything
I live
in everything

 (C) Juztamom

Shared with NaPoWriMo

Some of the fellow participants:   - Jaibala

I For I

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

Poems in tiffin
Smileys on burnt toast
Bits of I everywhere"

I For I

I am unique, weird, crazy, stupid, funny but I am what I am. I don't apologize and don't give excuses for who I am. It took me a long time to discover myself but now that I know me, I am not willing to let go of it.

If you like me (I know you do!), it will make me happy and if you don't, it is completely okay but don't expect me to change just for you and your rights. My rights can be different from your rights!

What about you? Who are you? Do you know yourself or you are on a path of self discovery? Do you think we ever fully know ourselves?

And Some of the blogs that I love from Day 8 are listed below. Do check them out.
Afshan H howls Horror
Ghata H hails Heart

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here

Tuesday 8 April 2014

An Indian Love Song

Come close let me see your face
My love
Don’t hide the glow,
Don’t cover the fire
My love
Let me breath in your scent
Let me sleep in your manes
I am lost
In you
In your silken contour
In your brazen inferno
Give me life
Let me drink your core
Let me find my soul
In the magical nectar of your kiss

How do I let you breath in me?
How do I burn you in my fire?
How do I lose myself in you?
How do I show my face to you
My face is veiled to follow the laws of my land
Our love will set a blaze, not only
The veil
But my land
Your land
The feud of old faiths and beliefs
The blood of numerous griefs
Will be on our hands

What is my land?
What is your land?
Our heart hears both
The sound of temple bells
The cry of the muezzin
Our love will conquer all
The rage, the tears
The blood, the fears
We will write a new dharma
We will preach a new karma
Devoid of fear
swarming with love

(C) Juztamom

Shared with NaPoWriMo. The prompt was to rewrite a famous poem, giving it your own spin. I have used "An Indian Love Song" by Sarojini Naidu. Do read it. I am not sure if I was able to spin it differently or if I did any justice to her work. Her words are magical, any attempt to rewrite her poems is futile but it gives me an opportunity to read her again and again.

I did something similar few months back, as in I tried working on one of her other poems "A Cradle Song" 
Do read my attempt on it. Its called "Little Lovely Dreams". This poem is very close to my heart for various reasons. One of the most important being, I sing it as a lullaby to my kids even now.

Some of the fellow participants:   - Jaibala

H For Heart

Snippet Of A Day In My Life

“stories at mid night
tiny voices plead
Heart wins”

AtoZ Challenge
H Heart
I am quite strict about schedules and planning. Even as a mother I have a time table and I try and follow it as much as I could. But heart doesn't understands time tables and schedules and neither do my kids. They are quite young right now and there are a few time when my heart loses to my head (Okay not few but many time)......(Okay okay not many almost every other day)...............(No really just every other day, not daily) :P

And when heart wins we let go of schedules and we do what our heart wants, be it stories at midnight, drives in early mornings, dance when you are supposed to study etc etc.

Do let me know how you liked the heart of my day. Do you have any similar incident in your day? What was the most heart warming incident that your remember from your last few days?

Some of the blogs that I love from Day 7 are listed below. Do check them out.

Prathima Rao Grandest of  'em all- Grandparents 
Vasudha Rao Greenpeace 
Pooja G For Gay

To check out my theme for the challenge click here.
To know more about the challenge and to participate please click here