Showing posts with label Tanishq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tanishq. Show all posts

Friday 16 August 2013

Your work as beautiful as you

People said give up, let it go,
You are alone, you have a handicap,
You will never survive,
You survived
And you worked
Your work as beautiful as you

You were beautiful when you swept and you cleaned before we got up
You were beautiful with sweat dripping from your forehead
And light beaming through your eyes
You were beautiful when you hugged us and showed us the clean room
You were beautiful when you held the door to steady yourself
And when you kept on picking up the falling broom

You were beautiful sans any jewelry
You were pretty and bright,
Even when the lender didn’t show any chivalry
Beaming from ear to ear
when you sold your last piece
You had twinkling eyes, and no trace of fear
When you stitched our dresses from your wedding gifts
Each stitch each cut taking hours and hours
You were beautiful with those intense eyes running on the seam
Making sure everything is as pretty as a dream

Walking down miles to save every rupee
Crying with our cries and pleading with our plea
Standing up for us against the whole world
Standing up for yourself against the herd
No crutches for your handicap
No excuses for anything bad

You were beautiful when you presented to the world
Your brave face,
Your firm stature

You were beautiful when you presented to us,
The bright future
As big as our dreams
As vivid as rainbow
As possible as tomorrow

You were beautiful when you looked in the mirror and smiled
You were beautiful when people taunted at your handicap and you were still kind
You were beautiful when you picked me up with one hand and hugged me tight
You were beautiful when you walked with a limp and never looked down and sighed

You are beautiful today for not wanting to mend and slow down
You are beautiful, as beautiful as my each trophy, each medal and each crown
You are beautiful because you made me believe in beauty of life
You knew when to let go and let us rise
You knew when to not follow and let us fly

We moved on and
May be the work you loved was over
May be it was time for you to slow down and not be a soldier
You are beautiful because you decided to start over
You decided to not stop,
You decided to contribute,
You decided to continue,
In your own special way
You are beautiful because you are still working
In your own special ways
Working for others, working through nights
Working through days

Working for those who need you
Carrying the red, pink and blue
Living their nightmares and sharing their hues

You are as beautiful as your work
Your work as beautiful as you

Dedicated to my mother, a special god’s messenger who survived and overcame her physical handicaps. And she literally brought us up single handily and is spreading her love to those in need even today.

“Life is as beautiful  and as handicapped as your thoughts”

This post is part of 'As Beautiful As Your Work' Contest sponsored byMia by Tanishq hosted by Women's Web.