It is the 9th night. She had counted. This is the place;
this is the exact spot where she had lost everything. This is where her life
was. Chitra walks on her foot prints again. She likes doing that;
walking on the same footprint again and again. It feels like she is living in
her past again. Like everything is the same; nothing is changed.
What has changed anyway? The moon is still effervescent,
glowing in love. The soft waves are still touching her feet. She wishes she
could feel the soft, warm touch of the waves again. The sand castle that they had
built was not there but the memories of it were still fresh. Her hands over
his, his hands over her’s, their laughter mixed with the fresh scent of salty
water. It is all fresh in her mind. She remembers how it was and how it had all
changed. That day was as beautiful as
this night is. It was full of promises. They had walked hand in hand, laughing,
playing and talking about how wonderful their future would be. The two souls lost
in each other. They had built a sand castle,
their dream home. It was the starting of a dream; a dream both of them were
sure would come true.

Lost in her dreams, she had walked towards the ocean. Lost
in her thoughts, she had ignored the warning sounds. She didn’t see him yelling
and coming towards her. She just remembers he was calling her name. And then she
remembers floating on water, feeling light and light and then feeling formless.
The feeling was surreal but she knew it was true. She had seen her body; the
body that had betrayed her. Each and every part of her body had betrayed her
except her heart. Her heart is still throbbing in love. It now shines red and
blue. It is red when she sees him and blue when it weeps. The red and blue both glow, reflecting her love for him. There are days when the blue completely engulfs her and there are days when she bleeds red in love. This beach has seen it all; the red and the blue. The past and the present. It bleeds and throbs red in her love and it cries and weeps blue in her pain.
She had tried leaving the beach a few times but she keeps
coming back here. Her life or her afterlife is here. Her soul is still entwined
with his. She can’t go anywhere, for her dream home, her heart; a piece of her
soul is here. She can’t leave without collecting all her pieces. She can’t
leave without feeling complete. She can’t leave without him.